European Bowhunting Federation – EBF joins the European Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation – FACE as an associated member organisation
The European Bowhunting Federation (EBF – is as of Friday the 5th of September 2014 an associate member of FACE (The European Federation of Associations for Hunting & Conservation – Anders Gejer President of EBF says he is happy with the situation and that a process over several years has been drawn to a close. The European Bowhunters federated in EBF will be at the heart of hunting in Europe with the joint group of European hunters and be able to share and take part of larger discussions related to EU and its policy makers. EBF will also be able to support any national member association as well as FACE with hard facts on the use of bow and arrow in modern game management principles.
About European Bowhunting Federation
The European Bowhunting Federation (EBF) promotes high ethical standards in a form of hunting that is tens of thousands of years old. Our mission is to inform the public and to provide a base of knowledge for guiding governmental and supporting non-governmental organizations toward effective implementation of the art of hunting with the bow and arrow. EBF is federating 28 European national bowhunting organisations all over Europe.