EBF encourages and supports bowhunting education in all aspects of bowhunting, today most countries have a national education system in place for bowhunters, some governed by laws in that specific country and some uses a self-imposed training/education for those who would like to bowhunt in that specific country.
Most common educational systems are based on the International Bowhunter Education Program (IBEP) or a derivate thereof. IBEP is created by the National Bowhunter Education Foundation (USA) which was founded in 1979. Other countries, such as Denmark, France and Hungary uses their own education program similar to the IBEP program.
EBF feels that a high quality education in bowhunting helps to sustain a high grade of knowledge and also helps maintaining the high standards within the bowhunting community. It also helps building a genuine and professional bowhunter community in which high hunting ethics and morals that are a “trade mark” of the bowhunter today.
In this section we will show some examples of different countries education programs and how they are applied to bowhunting and also how the education programs work with the local laws for that country.
For a more detailed description of IBEP training, please visit the NBEF website, and/or visit your local country’s web sites listed here on EBF’s web site.
In general one could say that the education programs are in two parts.